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Aug 13, 2020

Can Direct Mail or EDDM Mail Really Generate Money for My Business?

Of course it can! Why else do you think every major company on the planet employs some form of direct mail to aide its bottom line? Because it works and it even works better than most other marketing channels such as Facebook, Google or Email Marketing.

Why does it work so well? Physical action is involved in reading the message, when you physically interact with an idea, such as holding your mail while you read it, that messaging is stored differently than if you read it off a screen. It’s a proven fact, tangible materials leave a deeper connection. Physical interaction with messaging also evokes a greater emotional response and improved “internalization” of your advertising. So now we know why it works, let’s ask a better question…

Why do we think mail won’t work for me?

The truth about mail is that it’s pretty easy to mess up if you don’t know what you are doing. Just what you wanted to hear, more positive news in 2020.“You have a good way for me to market by business but it’s easy to screw up?” Awesome, tell me more!

OK! Buckle up its going to be a bumpy ride, but we’ve got solutions!

You Can’t Hit, What You Can’t Aim At!!

Your first decision is simple… who should know about me? Should EVERYONE know about me? If I sell pizza EVERYONE should know about me! Or… Should only a very specific group of people know about me? I sell the finest Luxury Ferrari Covers in the world! Well then, we better find you a very narrow and specific group of people who are likely to have a Ferrari.

Our advanced mapping software can do both for you!! With just a few clicks you can have your ideal mailing list ready to go. If you fell into the EVERYONE group, you want EDDM. You’ll be able to choose by postal route, sections of your surrounding neighborhoods and you’ll ensure everyone on the block hears about you.

If you fell into the Lux Ferrari Cover group (you could also be in auto sales, a medical practice or dentist, a realtor or any number of businesses that would benefit from targeting specific businesses or consumer groups) then Targeted Direct Mail is for you! Start by choosing your search area: search by radius around an address, ZIP code, City, State, County or search Nationwide. Then choose which database suits your needs best: Business, Consumer, New Mover, New Homeowner, New Business. Each database has dozens and dozens of options to narrow down to your ideal prospects, honestly too many to even try and list. Choose as many as you need!

Since you’ve read this far, I’m giving away a marketing GEM, when building your list be specific with who you want to mail to! With low minimums we allow you to mail as little as 1,000 postcards at a time. You will get far better results having a specific list with specific messaging and design geared towards those prospects vs having a large list of say 25k prospects and a more general message.

Messaging, Messaging, Messaging…

Direct Mail, Google, Facebook, Physically Going Door-to-Door, all rely on 1 key factor above everything else, MESSAGING. More campaigns fail due to poor messaging than any other reason in my opinion. Either your offer was no good if it was a sale or re-opening special or your tone and graphics didn’t evoke the desired response from your prospect. Hopefully you are an expert in your field, it’s an accomplishment and you should be proud. It’s rare or rather uncommon individuals are experts in multiple fields (Elon Musk, you can stop reading here). You need an expert in messaging and design to help you amplify what you are trying to say. Everyone has photoshop, we have designers. Our designers have 20 to 30 years of design experience in multiple markets such as real estate, non-profit organizations, political campaigns, the restaurant & catering industry and the auto industry. We offer our online clients a deeply discounted all-inclusive design package, we HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of. It’s an incredible value that includes agency level design, copywriting and stock photos if needed. The best part, we have a proof ready for you the following day and offer 5 FREE rounds of revisions to ensure you love it!

Picking the right size mail piece…

We’ve taken out the guess work and offer the most popular sizes for both EDDM and Targeted Direct Mail programs. These sizes are guaranteed to meet all postal regulations so you know you will always be in compliance with postal standards and they also offer the best combination of visibility and cost savings. Our 8.5”x11” EDDM Postcard is one of our most popular items with the 6.25”x11” a close second and our jumbo 6”x11” and 6”x9” postcards are by far our most popular size when sending a Targeted Direct Mail Campaign.

That’s it You’re Done! Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner!!

Lucky you, but our production team is just getting started. Once your design is approved, our production specialists double check all of your art to ensure your colors and fonts are accurate and your job is really good for printing. Then your art is sent to our modern full color presses. These machines are calibrated daily and offer outstanding quality and consistency for your brand and your image! Then all mail is cut and trimmed on our computer-controlled cutters to ensure a perfect trim every time. Mail then gets addressed, trayed, packaged and face slipped for the post office and delivered deep into the postal system. We don’t simply drop your mail at the corner post office. We mail large volumes of mail daily and deliver your mail deep into the postal system. Our process ensures you pay the least amount of postage possible while getting the best delivery possible. Speaking of postage, unlike other mailers we have no surprise postage or delivery fees! ALL OF OUR MAIL PRICES INCLUDE POSTAGE. Best of all, your mail can be tracked via barcoding on each piece, we know where your mail is at all times and so will you!

You’re not done! You thought this was over?

Now your work begins, any good mail campaign must be measured and evaluated. Coupon codes and dedicated 1-800 numbers are great ways to do this. Track and measure the number of responses, daily if possible, more data is always better. Now use this to build your internal list, which you can always upload and we can remarket too in the future, realtors love this option! Many companies will split their lists and mail an A & B version testing messaging or offers to see which performs best before mailing to larger pools of prospects. The key here is to refine your message to get the optimal response and then we simply send that message to more and more people. It’s a process but it has absolutely been proven to work and it will work for you if you follow the right steps outlined above.

Let’s get to work! Let us help you grow your business!


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